Category Archives: News

2000 BetaMars Ticket NFTs Airdrop in Round 1 For Fans,Appendix: Free tutorial

According to official news, BetaMars is going to airdrop 2,000 ticket NFTs to fans around the world from 14:00 UTC, December 21 to 14:00 UTC, December 26, with a total value of 200,000 USDT.

Visit homepage by searching “BetaMars” on Twitter to win BetaMars ticket NFTs for free. Each NFT is worth 100U at an initial offering price. Having a ticket NFT, you will:

1. Enter Betamars World.

2. Obtain the BetaMars ecological governance token in game.

3. Receive the first generation ticket NFT with great art and collection value.

More rights will be given to BetaMars ticket NFT in the future.

BetaMars is a metaverse game themed on “Mars migration”. It aims to build a highly decentralized, open and free parallel world.

Source: Twitter @Betamars2025

According to the official report, BetaMars begins in a barren Martian world, leaving players a wild planet to explore. New rules and civilizations will be created by players. All the players who participate in building BetaMars will receive rich rewards from the world. How to cross the class gap? How to strategically fight for resources? How to cooperate to set the new rules? All these will bring players a wonderful game experience.

The land in the BetaMars world, a digital asset, will be held by players in the form of NFT. In BetaMars1.0, players will compete for mineral resources on lands, triggering gambling of interests among them. BetaMars 1.0 will see a stable social order establishing in the metaverse world. In the later BetaMars 2.0, a new digital parallel world will start. In this brand new world, every player will experience a different and wonderful life.


Source: Twitter @Betamars2025

The era of metaverse is coming. BetaMars is not only a new species in the metaverse game world, but also a matrix generated new species. BetaMars is expected to change the “digital continent” of metaverse games and start a new era of creation, promoting the metaverse game to a higher level.

BetaMars is currently in promotion and will be launched globally soon. For more updates of BetaMars, click links to check!

BetaMars Social Network:

Official Website:




Meta Worlds token pre-sale set sail

Everyone will know about it when it’ll arrive. Obviously team will do something for that.There is heavy news to inform you that Meta Worlds has completed the investment of institutional investors. Metaworld is now distributing benefits for whitelist and group users. You can go to the Telegram group to get ILO pre-sale benefits. This news comes from the official Twitter of Meta Worlds:

This would be a nice move, the community are really anticipating much developments here.


Token Name: Meta Worlds Token (MWT)


Token Address: 0xE72D826C256e56Dc8b8c0466CC27bb95402DCFB9 (

Presale Time: 12/22 15:30 pm – 12/25 15:30 pm

Soft/Hard Cap: 150 BNB / 300 BNB

Min/Max: 0.2 BNB / 3 BNB

Presale Rate: 1 BNB = 1155.0 MWT

Listing Rate: 1 BNB = 1050.0 MWT

Liquidity: 51%

Liquidity Lockup Time: 520 days


Official website: (

White Paper&FAQ: (



News Announcement:


This is just the initial stage of Meta Worlds’ propaganda. I believe that with the development of the community, fission will occur soon. In the future, Meta Worlds will have many directions for accumulating development, and there will be more good news.

May wish to boldly imagine that if more and more encryption powers like the Meta Worlds international platform appear to maximize the application scenarios of the blockchain, the encryption market will be further popularized through games and other channels, so that retail investors and ordinary institutions can enjoy it. When it comes to the double benefits of playing and earning, will cryptocurrency be limited to giant whales, and will it continue to be a gameplay of capital?

C97 Guild Recommended – Vibranium , one of the most promising large-scale GameFi in 2022

C97 Guild is currently open to early gold mining. It is one of the most promising large-scale game projects in 2022,NFT will be launched on the official website on December 6, and the game will be officially launched on December 8.

VBN contract: 0x4b41ca61f5fbe12ddba38bc2d8bacc5f68fd491f

Panalloy is a massively multiplayer online simulation of AME (MMOSLG) and punk style. The game story takes place in interstellar space, with a large number of galaxies and various planets. Players can forge their own unique NFTs, choose planets to invest in, where they can buy land, build particle detectors to collect more resources, build high-tech facilities to make advanced equipment and even interstellar warships to launch Star Wars and win more resources . Players can not only create game characters, but also simulate social and national activities, such as voting, establishing federations or empires.

Based on BSC, C97 Guild allows players to collect resources by purchasing land and particle detectors, or work for particle detector owners to obtain DKMT and VBN. The “play to earn” model is expected to attract many players with high return on investment, and the number of players will continue to grow and be retained for a long time. The “Play to Earn” mode also diversifies the gameplay of C97 Guild.

There are two types of markets. One is the NFT market outside the C97 Guild, selling high-end NFT items such as spaceships and land, as well as top props such as top aircraft carriers, and even governance rights and company stocks.

The other is the in-game market for trading non-NFT items, such as intermediate materials and general equipment.

With the help of advanced technology, players can team up to form their own space army, start a star war with other planets, expand their territory, and strive for more benefits. C97 Guild has a variety of weapons, players can independently develop such weapons at random. Each spaceship is an NFT and belongs to the player. A super-large spacecraft built by multiple parties is regarded as an NFT jointly owned by multiple parties. These NFTs have real value in the game. The game aims to bring players a first-class Star Wars simulation experience!

How to participate in C97 Guild

1.If players want to participate in Vibranium, they need to purchase land cards and particle detectors in the official website store, which will consume game tokens VBN.Pancakeswap is currently available on VBN and can be purchased by adding contract 0x4B41cA61f5FBe12dDbA38bC2D8bacC5f68FD491F.

2. After purchasing VBN, players can use VBN to purchase territory boxes and building boxes on the “Market” page of the official website. Each territory box contains a land card, and each building box contains a particle detector card. The price of the territory box is 0.1VBN, and the price of the building box is 1VBN. Players can see the mystery boxes they bought in My Box. Each mystery box may contain an SSS, SS, and S NFT.

Players can view the details of the NFT they purchased in the My Item Card. Each account can purchase 10 territory boxes and 10 construction boxes every day.

The total supply of territory boxes is limited. There are currently 10 galaxies, each with 15,000 territory boxes, and a total of 150,000 land cards.

3.After the player is ready, you can enter the game. First, they need to create a character, choose from a large number of male or female avatars, and then create a game account.

Introduction of Vibranium

1.After entering the game, the player can see three galaxies, each with five planets. Each planet has an introduction to mines and terrain to help players view mineral resources. There are 10,000 land cards on each planet.

2.Click on the avatar to view personal information and land assets, and change the outfit. Next to the avatar are the players’ on-chain and off-chain tokens, including DKMT and VBN.

3.The game has a built-in chat window that can be expanded at any time. Users can open the chat window in C97 Guild to communicate or get news anytime and anywhere. The window is divided into two parts: system message and system message. World news.

In the upper right corner are system settings, personal mailboxes, and rankings. Players can switch the language and in-game music in the system settings, and check personal messages through the mailbox. There are three ranking lists, Detector LV, Efficiency and Mining. The ranking involves issues such as the distribution of rewards, please pay attention to all players.

4. In the lower right corner are the in-game mall, assets, spacecraft, inventory, skills, activities, and contacts.

Players can trade land and buildings (detectors, etc.) in the trading market, transfer funds on-chain or off-chain in the asset sector, check detectors, land cards, equipment and NFTs in the inventory sector, and improve their skills and skills Partially increase the output of the detector. Skills are divided into consolidation skills, profitability skills and control skills. Consolidation skills can increase the success rate of strengthening the detector, profitability skills can increase the rate of return, and control skills can increase the speed of building recovery.

Vibranium play

1.Players can open the mysterious treasure box purchased on the official website and check the NFT.

2.After entering the game, the player can select the Milky Way and the planet in turn. After that, they will see diamond-shaped land. They can use the land card to randomly get a piece of land with coordinates.

3.After obtaining land, players can build detectors to collect resources. The building is used for production, value-added and other functions. The player below has only one production detector. Players can view their detectors on the map and click on the detectors to obtain detailed information about the detectors, including income details and other information.

4.After the construction is completed, players can upgrade their detectors. The highest level currently seen is level 15, and each upgrade needs to consume DKMT. The higher the level, the greater the consumption and the corresponding output speed. Sophisticated and advanced detectors can generate DKMT and VBN. However, the higher the level, the lower the upgrade success rate.

5.The game also has a built-in working mode, which is convenient for players who don’t have time. Players can set the distribution ratio, so that other players can help harvest, and will not miss any upgrades.

6.There are 10,000 pieces of land on each planet, and a map is set in the game. The map can help workers find their way home. They can view all their land on the map, then click on the land and go there with one click.


Token: vbn

VBN contract: 0x4b41ca61f5fbe12ddba38bc2d8bacc5f68fd491f

INS3.Finance, launched the DAO lock-up insurance investment function

Recently, INS3.Finance launched a new insurance investment function, using the DAO to invest more money and equity in ITFX for incentives.


INS3. Finance abandons the process of governing token voting to decide whether to pay, and automates reimbursement judgment by building a decentralized, impartial Blockchain Oracle system. For exchanges, INS3. Finance’s Oracle tests the exchange’s withdrawals daily to see if they are paying; For DEX, the balance sheet ratio is used to determine whether or not to pay; For machine gun pools and lending items, the physical delivery model of put options is used to determine whether or not to pay.

Bringing independent research results to Underwriting

INS3. Finance’s underwriting model is based on the concept of game theory, as the capacity of each insurance product relies on staked INS3. Finance tokens from risk-takers. We expect underwriters and the sophistication of their strategies to increase as competition increases, taking exposure based on their own perception and evaluation of risks in comparison to estimated returns. Successful strategies can be deciphered on Ethereum-like public chains, by looking at staked token amounts. These reflect the research and strategy of an Underwriter. With the INS3. Finance privacy technology is yet another example of how sensitive data can be preserved.

“When it comes to building a risk marketplace offering insurance solutions for decentralised protocols, its accessibility should be discretionary for users among different blockchains. After considering implementation on different layer one protocols, the INS3. Finance and its on-demand privacy feature is one of the best structures we have come across with. Privacy opens up a new spectrum of opportunities and features, allowing insurance to be purchased/underwritten in a game-changing environment”, commented Louis Rothschild, Senior Decentralized Insurance Analyst at INS3.Finance

Fair & privacy-preserving claim assessment

INS3. Finance’s claim assessments include a section where claim assessors can access the filed claim and broadcast their decision related to a given claim submission. This being a key step influencing the final result during claim assessments, it would enhance neutralism of the process, e.g. having voting results kept private while the voting is on-going.

Over the long term, INS3. Finance are committed to working together and exploring alternative ways to offer dedicated insurance for different verticals, moving beyond smart-contract exploitability.

By allowing for data to be utilized by INS3. Finance for risk assessment purposes while preserving privacy, users could be able to benefit from accurately priced on-chain insurance coverage for external events.

Importance of Insurance in the DeFi

The explosive growth of DeFi raises concerns, such as scaling, gas fees, and, worst of all, theft. DeFi has become a popular hunting ground for hackers. In the past two months, two DeFi security incidents have been stolen for 250 million. Are there high-risk vulnerabilities in financial innovation smart contracts?

The risk of theft has a devastating effect on asset growth and the inflow of new investors into the DeFi ecosystem. This is where DeFi asset coverage comes into play.

DeFi coverage providers, as financial first responders, provide investors with fundamental risk management. DeFi coverage platforms, like traditional finance, are based on risk pooling, transfer, and sharing. Investors who do not have coverage must adopt a lower risk tolerance and accept lower returns. DeFi coverage protocols enable investors to protect their assets without the assistance of a traditional bank.

Decentralized Insurance products, for instance, INS3.Finance, provide complete protection for DeFi deposits, hedge risk against crypto volatility and flash crashes, and provide security against the risk of crypto wallet theft and attack. They protect users from any potential DeFi risks and cover technical and financial risks, providing investors with a sense of security. Not only that, but the platforms make the entire submission, claiming, processing, and payout process extremely safe, dependable, and transparent.

One of the advantages of such decentralized insurance is that it protects most deposits against loss. DeFi is regarded as secure, and thus as a solution to hacking, particularly on exchange platforms. The operation of so-called “autonomous” smart contracts has proven difficult. This is due to the lack of upgradeability and the use of smart contracts. Smart contracts use decentralized insurance as an operating system.

Decentralized insurance is self-sufficient. Intermediaries are exempt, so there are no middleman fees. As a result, using decentralized insurance becomes a simplified and low-cost procedure. Decentralized insurance is also transparent, immutable, and allows for the liquidation of crypto-backed assets.

Few Challenges of the Decentralised Insurance

There are currently numerous trading platforms that are highly centralized, which can crowd out and suppress the DeFi sector.

Furthermore, decentralized insurance allows traders to trade publicly, which has raised privacy concerns. Because of the autonomous nature of decentralized insurance, users are unable to change their information and thus cannot interact directly and edit their data. As immutability is a critical component of the decentralized system, this has resulted in numerous disputes and fraudulent cases in the industry. This could affect the demand for decentralized insurance applications.

Because of the transparency and security it provides to investors, decentralized insurance is a promising sector. There are currently only a few products available, but it has the potential to grow and expand in the future. DeFi and its applications, such as Decentralized Finance, will continue to dominate the market for many years.

About INS3.Finance

Although it is still in its infancy, decentralized insurance is rapidly expanding and holds great promise for the industry. The number of products is still small at the moment, but it is certain to grow in leaps and bounds in the coming days.

INS3.Finance is a decentralized multi-chain insurance protocol, to empower the risk protection infrastructure for the DeFi community. INS3.Finance offers portfolio-based insurance products with optimized pricing models to substantially lower the cost; launches insurance investment functions with flexible underwriting mining programs to create sustainable returns for the participants; and provides coverage for cross-chain DeFi projects to benefit the whole ecosystem.

INS3.Finance is backed by Web3.VC, OKEx Blockdream Venture, Conflux, Legos capital, BiKi, Horizon capital, Gate labs, Beagle capital, Orange code capital and a dozen of other top funds.

Panda Ganging and Gaining, DPGU Will Officially Release the Second Batch of NFTs on the 25th

DPGU announced that it will officially release the second batch of 3888 Daffy Panda NFTs on the OpenSea and Binance NFT on December 25. Voice Street’s spin-off game Daffy Panda Ganging Up (DPGU) is invitation-based. Only the owner of Daffy Panda NFT could enter the game and invite others. Meanwhile, every Daffy Panda owner, who invites new player, can benefit from a 5% invitation revenue.

In the addition, DPGU is a Play to Earn and Metaverse, socialfi game, allowing players to derive additional benefits in the game and comprise Voice Street Music Copyright IMO (Initial Music Offering). IMO’s core concept is the fragmentation of music copyrights, and its purpose is to promote the circulation of music NFTs and physical copyrights. Moreover, DPGU owners will have the opportunity to obtain IMO whitelists and airdrops for all songs in the music game. The recent airdrops to fans holding Daffy Panda NFT include the music copyright IMO and NFT works of the renowned Korean singer-songwriter Kevin Shin and the famous American DJ and rapper Luke Nasty.

Daffy Panda Ganging Up is a limited edition NFT series developed by Voice Street (VS) Music NFT Platform. The Ark of Panda is a music community game based on the Voice Street Platform. VS owes a library of songs from the Musicians who are part of VS’s artists’ portfolio. Then VS licenses all songs under contract for use in the game.

In the Ark of Panda Game (DPGU), DPGU owners will enjoy free access to songs under the Voice Street platform’s copyrighted song library. Also VIP gamers can earn additional revenue on the secondary creation and sale of NFT music props in the game.

Moreover, Voice Street has signed a contract with Polkabrige and is expected to conduct IDO before the end of December. Polkabrige is the largest user platform in the Polka ecosystem. Voice Street’s favor is closely related to the promotion of BullPerks and SafeLaunch, which are two famous names.

Presently, more than 50 communities and game guilds from different countries have joined Voice Street- DPGU. To catalyse the process of DPGU’s internationalisation, communities which able to provide AMA, KOLs and media promotion will be provided with the qualifications for whitelisting.

You are welcome to join DPGU’s official Telegram and Discord. Please stay tuned for the massive welfare activities.

About VoiceStreet

VoiceStreet is a music-based NFT platform with the goal of building Web3.0 on-chain infrastructure for intellectual properties mainly including Music all rights, Artists related IPs, Music derivatives NFTs, and NFT Gamification.


Daffy Panda Ganging Up Official Website:

VS-DPGU Twitter:

VS-DPGU Discord:

VS-DaffyPanda Telegram en:

VS-DaffyPanda Medium:

WEB3.0 Era Trading Entrance | USF Wallet is committed to open a new era of financial freedom on blockchain


In the blockchain world, we are no strangers to decentralized wallets. As we all know, the wallet application is a necessary access to the blockchain and decentralized chain world, and it is also your key identity on the chain. As a dedicated service for decentralized infrastructure, a decentralized wallet application with complete functions, convenient operation and high security is definitely essential.The rapid change of the blockchain promotes the development of Web3.0, and the decentralized wallet has become not only the port for users to enter the web3.0 ecology, but also the foundation of the entire web3.0 era.

At present, the total global market value of digital assets is close to US$2.3 trillion. As more and more DEFI technology applications and emerging public chains continue to enrich, as well as the growth of market participants’ transaction needs, decentralized digital wallets are also developing rapidly along with the growth of industry demand. In the ecosystem of digital assets, decentralized digital wallets have attracted attention from inside and outside the industry as a kind of storage interaction and application entrance that symbiosis with crypto digital assets.

However, most decentralized digital wallets on the current market seems to be slightly insufficient in functions , such as not multi-chain available, unreasonable functional design, few application scenarios, poor interactive experience, and no or weak security protection, etc. Then,is there any comprehensive decentralized wallet product that allows investors to store, mine and interact with digital assets more safely, conveniently and freely? USF decentralized aggregated wallet came into being.

USF decentralized wallet (USF wallet for short) is a WEB3.0 crypto financial service aggregation platform. It has the following advantageous functions and services:

Integration: USF wallet integrates multiple functional services such as wallet, data, mining, transaction, WEB3.0, etc..It is committed to serving the implementation of emerging technologies of blockchain, giving more freedom to the transfer of crypto digital assets, and constantly striving to be the best digital financial aggregation platform.

Advantages: Multifunctional, Useful, Safe

Slogan: USF Wallet creates financial freedom for the blockchain!


[Basics of Decentralization-Multi-Chain Wallet]

Eth, Bsc, Polygon, Solana, more and more public chains, protocols, and applications are rushing out. Decentralized multi-chain wallets have solved the needs of on-chain storage,application landing and asset interaction perfectly.

USF decentralized wallet supports multiple chains, such as BTC chain, ETH chain, BSC chain, TRON chain, Polygon,  Solana chain, etc. USF wallet could be used to create multiple wallets through mnemonic or private key, and realize free switching.

[Blockchain Ecology-DAPP Service]

The decentralized wallet is not only the access to the current blockchain world, but also the entrance to the upcoming WEB3.0 era. To use DApp interaction, it must be accessed through a decentralized multi-chain wallet. Whoever sets the platform standards for DApp ecological applications will have greater influence in the future.

The USF decentralized wallet adopts multiple built-in functions to further enrich the user experience of digital assets. The built-in open decentralized application DApp browser function provides users with an entrance to interact with DApps, integrates high-quality third-party DApp applications, and promotes a seamless, simple and secure connection between users, assets and applications.

In the future, the USF decentralized wallet will deploy more and more extensive blockchain innovative developer ecosystems, with the ultimate goal of creating a blockchain ecosystem for WEB3.0 applications landing.

[Crypto Payment Center-Asset Transaction]

Today, digital assets are disrupting the entire financial market, and the rise of digital assets has an impact on almost all the financial services industries and institutions.

Blockchain promotes the transformation of the entire financial ecosystem (from deposits to payment, lending, investment and transaction). It has attracted great interest in digital assets from major institutions and individuals in the world.External funds continue to flow into the digital asset market. This is both an opportunity and a challenge for decentralized wallets.

The original intention of the USF decentralized wallet is to continuously improve its own performance, serve more crypto financial user groups, and allow more users to fully catch current data, operate the management of assets conveniently in the new technology ecosystem, reducing user risks and realizing assets value-added.

【Create Traffic Entrance——WEB3.0】

Currently, WEB3.0 is being sought after by the industry. Its essence is Read+Write+Own, especially in the aspect of the gradual respecting for the ownership of user data.Benefiting from the advantages of blockchain technology such as decentralization, inability to be tampered with, and information encryption, more and more users start to pay attention to their own rights and interests.And the USF decentralized aggregate wallet was born under this background. The USF decentralized aggregate wallet will provide in-depth technological innovation services to digital identity, privacy protection, data confirmation and authorization, and user rights ownership.


After many optimizations and tests in 2021, the USF decentralized aggregation wallet has officially entered everyone’s attention. In 2021, the product has gone through the first stage, mainly aiming to optimize product design and function. Then two rounds of internal testing were conducted in September and October. In November, USF passed the final critical period of some user testing. At present, the operation is stable and the user experience is smooth.

In December 2021, the USF decentralized aggregation wallet began to move towards the second stage-to show to the global blockchain industry that a new WEB3.0 era traffic highland construction project has been born.

In January 2022, the USF decentralized aggregation wallet officially enters the new world. Welcome to learn about it and use it!

The best way to play the Flaming Phoenix Farm game: create a chain game version of Crazy Farm

The Flaming Phoenix Farm Game is the first farm-based simulation business game launched by the Flaming Phoenix (Flaming Phenix is an integrated meta-universe game ecological platform based on the BSC smart chain). In the game, players can plan and control the farm. All aspects of management.



In the game, the player plays the role of a farm operator, completing a series of steps from sowing, breeding, harvesting, to processing and production to obtain various outputs. Any resources obtained in the game can be used for market transactions, NPC interaction, and farm construction. , Allowing players to truly experience the fun of a farmer farming and building a farm.

Profit exploration

In the game, players can purchase land with different rates of return, and then build on the land, plant fruits and seeds of different levels, reclaim farmland, build pastures, build processing plants, and so on. Plant crops in the farmland, and the crops will grow automatically; all farm operations can gain experience to increase the farm level, and the farm level provides the hash power mining output pass (fix) which can be used to download the game admission ticket and various resources, equipment, and props , Skin, NFT asset purchase.

Computing power assets

Players FIX’s income comes from the computing power generated by the farm level, and the experience needed to upgrade the farm level comes from the tasks and the crops produced by the agricultural products and the items produced by the processing plants. The upgrade of various factory facilities requires a pass. And the internal resources of the game to improve.

Cookie Farm’s unique computing power mechanism, level and promotion can generate computing power. The tokens produced by computing power can be used for in-game asset circulation and asset withdrawal.

Steal food

Players can enter the farms of friends and the farms of 5 random players across the platform to steal mature crops. The amount of each crop that can be stolen is 20% of the harvest that can be harvested after maturity. Stealing vegetables can gain income under the umbrella.


As the leader of global chain games, the combination of game social cultural connotation and encrypted digital technology brought by Fire Phoenix Farm itself not only enriches the application scenarios of farm games, but also realizes the integration of on-chain games from a pure gold-making model to cultural integration. The road to innovation and development has changed.

At the same time, we also hope that through the theme of farming, we will lead mobile game believers, players, users and investors step by step to explore new roads for the development of high-value games, and empower users and game hobbies by empowering game characters. The author made a perfect replica of the game sample of decentralization + chain game + NFT + meta universe.


How does the Green Card foresee the new future of chain games?

In 2021, a novel concept term quickly exploded in popularity, it is “meta universe”. The listing of Roblox, the first stock of Meta Universe, created a new concept myth with a valuation of nearly 30 billion U.S. dollars, and caused all kinds of capital to enter the market to develop this new future market.

In fact, the term “meta universe” has a long history. In 1992, the famous American science fiction writer Neil Stephenson first mentioned this concept in his work “Avalanche.” In the later generations, the explosion of this term also means that humans seem to have the ability to touch the “virtual world” full of fantasy.


Although the concept is elusive, the basic attributes of the metaverse are rigorously divided into multiple fields such as social identity, multiple immersion, infinite space, and multidimensional economy. If you explain in detail from the implementation method, you may not understand tens of thousands of words. Now, we only need to consider who or what technology is used to initially establish the meta-universe world.

On the technical level, the blockchain may be the best carrier for the meta-universe economic system, social identity and unlimited space. In terms of presentation, the game can be regarded as the primary form of the meta-universe. Or a starting point, the entire entertainment, social, network, and even socio-economic activities together with the blockchain.

Infinite possibilities of chain games

The explosion of the meta universe has also driven the vigorous development of the chain game field. People realize that the decentralized economy and open games of the blockchain are almost the same as the meta-universe imagined. Not only we have this idea, most of the world’s top game companies have also noticed this.

“BLIZZARD NORTH” is also known as Blizzard North. Although the studio has been closed by the parent company of Blizzard, its development of “Diablo 2” is still a myth in the game industry. After the studio was closed, Blizzard North is still exploring more possibilities in the game field.

Today, Blizzard North has once again encountered new opportunities. New Era Chain Tour: Green Card is a work of sincerity.

Green Card is a card battle type chain game. The background setting of the game refers to the concepts of humans, orcs, dwarves, and elves in Hearthstone. Players collect different cards to form card combinations (deck sets), challenge levels or fight against other players to get rewards.

Green Card (Green Card) ecology

Players first need to purchase a green card pass to obtain cards. After owning the cards, players can obtain additional cards by winning the game, and the winning cards can be used in battles, level up, sold or loaned to other players. Because card attributes play a big role in the battle, cards with higher rarity will have greater collection value.

In addition, each card in the green card ecology has a unique NFT attribute. Players can also buy more rare cards or sell their own rare cards.

After the player has obtained enough cards, he can make a free combination of strategies and create his own set of cards to defeat his opponents. In each game, as long as the player wins, they can get PSI token rewards. As the fuel in the game, the PSI pass is a necessary model to support the normal cycle of the green card ecology. Players can buy more cards after acquiring more PSI, thereby increasing the winning rate in the battle, and can also get more battle rewards and rare cards.

The Green Card (Green Card) chain game will create the next generation of the entire game industry, shape a brand new chain game market with the most complete gameplay and the most complete model, carry the dream of the illusory future, and gradually enter the meta-universe ecology.

DAO Innovative Decentralized Autonomous Form ACF Meta Universe “Star Casting Project” officially launched

ACF Meta Universe “Star Casting Project” is officially launched. In order to meet the liquidity required in the initial stage of the ACF full-stack metauniverse financial agreement, Uniswap Foundation, YFI Kojin Lab and the American Wall Street investment giant Blackstone Group announced a strong alliance with the ACF full-stack metauniverse financial agreement and reached a strategic cooperation . Jointly create the “Star Casting Project” of the macro-world of Metaverse, and build a global autonomous community alliance based on the DAO governance contract.

The ACF “Star Casting Project” will also continue to bring greater benefits to ACF participants around the three cores of stability, endurance, and multiplication. Open the door to the meta universe world through the “Star Casting Project” and connect real-world financial applications with the meta universe world. The ACF Global Autonomous Community Alliance will be composed of all participants of the Casting Star Project, which will reflect all consensus through the DAO governance contract, and collectively govern the ACF full-stack meta-universe financial agreement. Uniswap has previously announced that it will invest 500,000 UNIs to support ACF’s development of a decentralized financial ecosystem on Metaverse.

The first project of the ACF Star Project is to build a liquidity pot in the JUSTSWAP decentralized exchange. The liquidity pot will provide sufficient liquidity for ACF, so users can trade at any time without having to wait for another counterparty to appear and match the transaction. A larger ACF liquidity pot can reduce slippage and bring a better trading experience. The ACF liquidity pot will automatically increase or decrease the supply of corresponding tokens based on market purchase demand. The magnitude of price changes depends on the size of the transaction and is proportional to the size of the liquidity pot. Compared with trading, the larger the liquidity pot, the smaller the impact on prices.

Construct a global autonomous community alliance based on the DAO governance contract, which is composed of all the participants of the Star Casting Project. Through the DAO governance contract, all consensus is reflected, and the ACF full-stack meta-universal financial agreement is collectively governed. The ACF Global Autonomous Community Alliance has no formal leadership, so it is decentralized; any member is allowed to make decisions, so it is autonomous. The ACF Global Autonomous Community Alliance is task-driven, and the main goal is to create value, with profits ranking second. Once a member of the DAO, everyone is related to the success of the project. Each member’s contribution will be motivated in terms of income, and spontaneously contribute their best labor to the project.

The ACF Global Community Alliance has created a high degree of consensus and will realize a decentralized financial ecology through the meta-universe world. The launch of the “Star Casting Project” will be an important part of ACF’s global value enhancement and a sustainable development environment. Among the participating users of the ACF Star Project, institutional participants or ordinary users have the same rights and interests. This is a rare investment opportunity in 2021.

HundredDAO, a new perspective for the possibility of NFTs and DAO

HundredDAO is a gathering of 10,000 Hundred NFT owners who may be fans for Game and DAO. “HundredDAO combines anonymous, playability, and also decentralized autonomous governance together, users are not only a DAO member, but also can enjoy playing games embedded in the system.” Said by Miler Ada, the founder of HundredDAO.

In HundredDAO system, they have Hundred NFT, Hundred Market, Hundred Guild and Hundred Fund. HundredDAO members will share all the profits generated from NFT sales, transactions, upgrades, funds and game guild.

Hundred NFT

The Hundred NFT is a collection of 10,000 exclusive NFTs. There are 3 levels due to the originally rarity: R(Rare), SR(Super Rare) and SSR(Specially Super Rare). R and SR can be leveled up to SSR via composition, transaction, minting, etc.

The Hundred NFT will be distributed through Whitelist(Pre-sale), Airdrop, and Public-sale.

Join the airdrop and whitelist here:

Hundred Market

The Hundred Market will open to all the users around the world. It will support the listing and advertising for those projects Hundred Fund invests in, and also games projects winning the vote of Hundred Guild by the traffic it attracts. And members can also trade game equipment in Hundred Market.Then it will build a positive ecosystem within the HundredDAO platform.

Hundred Guild

Hundred Guild is a Play-to-Earn gaming guild. Members of Hundred Guild collectively votes for what game to play, what game studios to cooperate with. It will provide a chatting tool for members to communicate and share experience for playing games.

For the games which need their original NFT as a ticket to play, users can use Hundred NFT as collateral on Hundred market and exchange for an aimed game NFT. Then they can play the game without buying new NFTs. They have Hundred NFT and can exchange others, it will lower the threshold of playing NFT games. All the rules and risk control system will make Hundred NFT a deflation model, so users will always enjoy play to earn on HundredDAO platform.

Hundred Fund

Hundred Fund manages funds from stakers and part of HundredDAO profits through Hundred NFT sales and transactions, and Hundred Guild earnings. The fund will be invested in Crypto, DeFi and NFTs which are voted by HundredDAO members. The profit will be divided into 2 parts: one part will be shared with stakers and DAO members and another part will be used to buy back Hundred NFT which will be a way for the exit mechanism.

“We hope that by establishing HundredDAO, we can find the exclusive 100 members with common goals to jointly build the community, and share all the profits we make. HundredDAO may not be the ultimate solution for GAMEFI and DAO, but we will continue working for the common wealth of the industry.” Said by the founder of HundredDAO.

HundredDAO provides a new perspective for the possibility of NFTs and we hope there may be more great projects in the market to bring the market greater ideas and vitality.
